Powered by CUSTOWNER®                      Coming soon: 2024

Blockchain innovation meets shared mobility, creating a borderless, sustainable movement to combat climate change.

Powered by CUSTOWNER®   2023

Borderless Solutions:
Shared mobility and Blockchain

Invest in the future of shared mobility through our blockchain-based platform. By doing so, you become a co-owner of shared mobility ventures.

With our MaaS app and investment platform, forging international partnerships becomes effortless, ensuring shared mobility is accessible everywhere, enabling active contributions and investments towards shaping our future.

Customer & Owner = CUSTOWNER®

1. Blockchain for Good

Utilizing blockchain technology as a force for
positive change, ensuring transparency, security, and  traceability in all transactions to support sustainable practices.

2. Social Movement to Tackle Climate Change

Fostering a global social movement aimed at
combating climate change by encouraging eco-friendlypractices, shared mobility, and active participation in the Climatemonkeys® ecosystem.

3. Borderless Solution: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and

Offering a borderless solution through Mobility as aService (MaaS) and tokenization, providing users with seamless access to shared mobility options and investment opportunities regardless of geographical boundaries.

4. Tokenization Platform

Empowering users to invest in shared mobility
through a secure and transparent tokenization  platform, enabling co-ownership and active involvement in shaping the future of urban transportation.

5. Shared Mobility Hubs

Establishing shared mobility hubs strategically  placed in urban areas to optimize vehicle access, reduce travel time, and create a connected and sustainable network.

6. International Network - Expansion

Building an international network of shared
mobility enthusiasts, creating a collaborative
ecosystem that transcends borders and promotes  the principles of shared transportation.

7. Shared mobility

Enabling users to access shared cars and bikes  seamlessly within the Climatemonkeys® network and partner locations, providing flexibility and  convenience.

8. Climatemonkeys® Token

Utilizing a portion of the transaction fee/tax to fund  the purchase and lease of eco-friendly cars and bikes, contributing to a greener and more sustainable shared mobility fleet.

9. Transaction Fee/Tax for funding

Utilizing a portion of the transaction fee/tax to fund  the purchase and lease of eco-friendly cars and bikes, contributing to a greener and more sustainable shared mobility fleet.

10. Operation of the Fleet

 Efficiently managing and operating the shared  mobility fleet, ensuring a reliable and eco-friendly transportation option for users within the Climatemonkeys® ecosystem.

11. Revenue Distribution and Token Burning

Implementing a transparent model where a
percentage of revenue is transferred back to purchase  tokens, promoting a self-sustaining ecosystem and burning tokens to manage token supply.

12. Blockchain Database for Fleet

Leveraging blockchain for the Climatemonkeys®  database, ensuring secure and decentralized management of fleet information, contributing to increased efficiency and transparency.

In our whole world, which is becoming technology-centric, the one who can adapt the best and fastest to all innovations - societies, materials, technology, health, education - will come out on top.

Invest, ride, and be part of the change!

Ready to shape the future of urban mobility and contribute to a greener world?

Take the first step by joining
Climatemonkeys® today..